Monday, March 7, 2011

For Fun

A couple of my blogger friends have done this, and I think it's so fun. I LOVE comments, but I know there are some readers that never comment.'s your chance. I want to know who the readers are and how you know me/found me. As a bonus for playing, I'm doing a GIVEAWAY. Here are the rules...

1. become a follower
2. leave me a comment that you follow and don't forget the how you know/found me part
3. facebook/blog post about the giveaway gets you an extra entry

prize...custom headband

random winner chosen March 15


  1. I am now officially a follower--but I was following on my own before! I learned about this blog from Brianna and I love it.

  2. I'm following and I know you cause of that great place we call Turnberry and got here cause of your blog and cause I like crafts and dream of the day when I will have time and energy to do them. :) I hope I can win a cute headband!

  3. I want to win! Hope i'm not too late...

  4. too late?
    also, i know you because we're basically bff.

  5. Hi Aubrey! I am following and of course I know you from our shelving days at the good ol' HBLL!! :)

  6. Hey Aubrey! I can't believe its been almost 10 years since we were roomates! I love the blog!

  7. Hey Aub, its Miche: I LOVE your BLOG!!!! I love the snack bags. I found your blog from your other blog!!!! Your the best!!!

  8. Hey Aubrey...great blog!! Michelle showed me the blog and I love it!
